The tour invites us to know the saltenian Puna and it starts in “Campo Quijano” known as “El Portal de los Andes” (The Gate to the Andes). Many important festivities take place here like the “Tradición”(Tradition) day and it counts with a wide variety of accommodation as farm houses, camping sites and guest houses.

Close to the town is “La Quebrada del Toro” (The Bull´s Ravine) a majestic scenario that goes up to “La Puna” and to “Santa Rosa de Tastil” which is one of the most important places from before the Incas time.

Following the National road to the south, you can gain access to “Abra del Acay”, located at about 5000 meters above sea level and then to “La Poma” which is town where you can visit “El Puente del Diablo” (The Devil´s Bridge) and “Los Graneros Incaicos” (The Incas Barns).

Another option is to go from “Santa Rosa de Tastil” to “San Antonio de los Cobres” which is located at 3775 meters above sea level and it is an old mining town of primitive indigenous origins. Then you arrive to “Salinas Grandees” (Salt mines) and go through “Purmamarca” (a beautiful small town) as you return to Salta city.

There is a third option which is to continue until “La Polvorilla” viaduct, an engineering masterpiece situated 20 km from “San Antonio” till the end of the journey of “El Tern de las Nubs” (The Train to the Clouds) which is one of the three trains in the world that goes up the highest. The circuit goes along eleven viaducts, two zigzags, and nine tunnels and it is 434 km long. During the summer, the way can be shortened with some trekking combination.

Following the same road we pass “Catcher” place, “El Salary de Posits” (Posits Salt Mine) and “Tovar Grande”.

On the Andes tour you can also see volcanoes like “El Llullaillaco”, “El Sonoma”, and “El Tunnel del Hombre Metro”.

Ministerio de Turismo de la Provincia de Salta
Cámara de Turismo de Salta
